Welcome to Don Caprio's corner. Well, what I had in mind when I built this site was to tell you everything about me but I realized it wasn't a very bright idea. I'll tell you only what you need to know but I'll spice the site up with stuffs like my poems, essays, my artworks(some portraits I made to be specific, lol)latest news and other cool thangs.
One more thang, dont hesitate to contact meHehe!
The site is still under construction but I hope you enjoy your stay.
Thanks once more for visiting.
Click on my personality to know a lil something 'bout me. I'm thinking 'bout havin' my biography right on this site but I guess the less people know about you the better. The friends list contains a list of some of my peeps and tha photo page contains my pictures and other cool cllections. Got some poems too...just a click away. The Whattup Page tells you what I'm on presently, my present location, projects I'm carrying out and all that.
Wanna tell me how you feel 'bout this site? Or you just wanna drop a note? click on the link below.
Stay true and cool