My Personal Profile

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My Personal Profile

Name:  Adekile Adewale
Date of birth:  10th Jan.,198x
Sex:  male
Height:  5'5"
Weight:  56kg
Nickname:  soldier
Crime record:  none
Hobby:  drawing,reading novels,listening to good music,writing rhymes
Religion:  Christianity
Church:  not specific
Place of birth:  Ilesha
Nationality:  Nigeria
Occupation:  student ,hustling
Primary school education:  Rosemary N/P School, Ilesha.
Secondary school education:  Ilesha Grammar School, Ilesha.
Personal phone no: -
Contact phone no.:  08033540642
Favourite pet:  dog
Favourite food:  not specific
Favourite kind of music:  hip hop/rythm and blues
Favourite Kinds of novels:  horror, crime
Favourite artiste:  Tupac ,Bob Marley
AIDS test result:  negative
Blood group:  I don't know and i don't care
Thins I hate most about people:stealing, excessive lying
Favourite quote:  If you close your eyes not to see the bad thing, you won't see the good one passing by

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